
I am a 33 year old nature lover with a creative and loving spirit. I am a wife and mother to two sweet kitties and many angel babies.

I’ve always been drawn to capturing moments and find so much inspiration in people’s stories, each so uniquely different and worthy of space.

Why motherhood photography?

Having spent many years engulfed in the depths of infertility and loss, and still very much in the trenches, photography has become a much needed creative outlet and something that feeds my soul. It has so beautifully acted as respite for my grief.

Motherhood has always been a dream of mine - a season of life I’ve never stopped hoping and imagining for myself. I am a nurturer with a strong maternal instinct. Always have been. I am a mother at heart.

The magic that is motherhood, and the instinctual bond between mother and child, is something too special not to take moments to appreciate, photograph and admire. Even though I still have empty arms, the bond and love I have in my heart for the babies I carried is deep within. And from my own heartbreak, I have a true perspective and appreciation for the absolute miracle that is pregnancy and bringing a baby into this world.

Having people trust me to capture their most intimate moments and allowing me into their space means the world.

Connecting with beautiful souls, building relationships and celebrating sweet blessings with my clients is something I feel very privileged to do - I’m so happy you’re here!

If you feel like we’d be a good fit, let’s connect!
